HomeApps6 Reasons to Avoid Sign Up on Threads From Meta

6 Reasons to Avoid Sign Up on Threads From Meta

As social media landscapes change constantly, the rise of microblogging platforms has been nothing short of extraordinary. Twitter held the crown among these contenders for over a decade, but a series of unfortunate events has cast shadows on its once-bright image.

As users yearned for a fresh alternative, Threads from Meta emerged as a formidable contender, captivating millions within days of its launch. However, before diving headlong into the Threads frenzy, it’s crucial to exercise caution and consider the six compelling reasons to use Treads carefully. After all, a deeper understanding could save us from unforeseen pitfalls and ensure a more fulfilling social media journey.

Here are six reasons to avoid threads from meta

1. Threads in overdependent on Instagram

The Threads app, developed by Meta, has its roots deeply intertwined with Instagram, which also falls under the same corporate umbrella. While this seamless integration might not pose a concern for the billions already immersed in the Instagram world, it becomes a hurdle for those seeking a standalone platform for sharing images and texts. Threads’ insistence on having an Instagram account feels intrusive for those who’ve consciously abstained from Instagram.

Even for ardent Instagram enthusiasts who decide to give Threads a shot but later find it unsuitable, the inability to delete the account independently is disappointing. This lack of autonomy can leave users feeling cornered, as relinquishing Threads also means sacrificing their beloved Instagram.

2. There’s no chronological timeline

Regrettably, Threads currently lacks the much-loved option of a chronological timeline. Instead, you’re at the mercy of an algorithm that decides what content you see, not just from accounts you follow but also from unfamiliar users. This can be overwhelming, as it inundates you with a constant stream of posts that may not align with your preferences.

Adding to the frustration, brace yourself for an onslaught of advertisements. The platform inundates you with a barrage of ads, leaving you to ponder whether the absence of a chronological timeline is a clever tactic to maximize ad exposure while you endlessly scroll.

In the quest for a seamless social media experience, the absence of a chronological timeline and the surplus of ads can make Threads feel like a slightly disappointing detour.

3. Privacy Issues

Privacy is the cornerstone of any digital experience, and Threads needs to catch up in this critical aspect. Meta’s data collection practices have sparked concerns as they delve far beyond the content users willingly share within the app. While a microblogging platform should ideally restrict data access to essential functionalities like keyboard input, contacts, camera, and local files, Threads appears to overreach.

The extent of information collected, as revealed by the Threads Data Safety Page, is unsettling. From web browsing history and installed apps to health and financial details, it paints a worrisome picture of data hoarding. Even more disconcerting is including deeply personal aspects, such as political or religious beliefs and sexual orientation, which should remain confidential.

In a world where privacy is increasingly vulnerable, conscientious users should approach Threads cautiously and prioritize safeguarding their personal information from excessive data mining.

4. Meta has a history of not handling user data properly

A string of concerning incidents mars Meta’s data security record. From the infamous Cambridge Analytica scandal that led to a staggering $5-billion fine imposed by the Federal Trade Commission to more recent GDPR-related infringements resulting in substantial penalties by Ireland’s Data Protection Commission, the company’s data handling practices have come under intense scrutiny.

Meta’s struggle to comply with privacy regulations and ongoing legal battles, such as the €1.2 billion fine dispute with Ireland’s DPC and the European Court of Justice’s ruling, raise serious red flags for users entrusting their personal information to the platform.

Perhaps most disconcerting is the candid statement from the company’s founder himself, who once referred to early Facebook users as “dumb f*cks” for placing their trust in the platform with their sensitive data. These incidents underscore the importance of exercising caution and considering the potential risks before entrusting personal information to Meta’s platforms.

5. Threads have become a big marketing platform

Threads experienced a meteoric rise, drawing in hordes of users during its initial days. However, the current landscape reveals a concerning shift toward the platform becoming a marketing haven. The initial vibrant community now seems inundated with corporations, brands, and influencers dominating the scene. The platform’s initial promise of fostering meaningful conversations among friends and users has waned significantly, making genuine interactions harder.

What was meant to be a community forum now feels more like a commercial battleground, where marketing precedes authentic engagement. This transformation has left many users longing for the organic interactions they initially sought, highlighting the need to reevaluate Threads’ direction in maintaining its users’ trust and interests.

Also See: How to use the Thread app explain Making post sharing & more

6. Strict rules against sexual content

Like its counterparts, Instagram and Facebook, Threads maintains strict guidelines against sexually explicit content. However, the moderation process primarily relies on algorithms rather than human oversight, which can lead to the accidental removal of innocuous posts. This lack of human review raises concerns about potential misinterpretations and unintended consequences, as seemingly harmless content may get flagged.

For LGBTQ+ users, such algorithmic moderation could be particularly problematic. Drawing parallels with Tumblr’s controversial ban on sexually explicit content, which disproportionately affected queer-related content, there’s apprehension that Threads may face similar issues. Valuable and meaningful LGBTQ+ content might inadvertently be tagged as explicit, causing unwarranted restrictions on creative expression and community-building within the platform.

As Threads navigates its content moderation policies, a balanced approach that ensures inclusivity and sensitivity to diverse voices will be essential in maintaining a supportive and respectful environment for all users.


In the ever-expanding realm of microblogging platforms, Threads from Meta has emerged as a formidable contender, captivating millions within days of its launch. Yet, a closer examination reveals crucial reasons to tread carefully before joining the bandwagon. From its heavy dependence on Instagram to the absence of a chronological timeline and concerning data privacy issues, Threads raises legitimate concerns.

Additionally, its transition into a marketing platform and the potential risks faced by LGBTQ+ users underscore the need for careful consideration. As we navigate the digital landscape, a judicious approach to choosing our platforms becomes imperative, ensuring our online experiences remain enriching and secure.

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