HomeFeaturesApple WatchOS 10.3 Update - Features and Update Process

Apple WatchOS 10.3 Update – Features and Update Process

Apple has recently rolled out the highly anticipated watchOS 10.3 update for all Apple Watch Series 4 and later owners, marking a significant stride in wearable technology. This update comes after a thorough testing phase, starting from the initial developer beta release on December 12 and culminating in the third beta on January 9.

Unlike its predecessor, watchOS 10.2, which brought notable enhancements to Siri integration and user interface, watchOS 10.3 is focused on refining the system’s stability and performance, ensuring optimal functionality for Apple Watch Series 4 and later users.

Key Features of watchOS 10.3

1. Stability and Performance Improvements: The primary focus of watchOS 10.3 is to enhance the overall stability and performance of Apple Watches, specifically targeting Series 4 and later models. This update aims to provide a smoother user experience by addressing bugs and streamlining operations.

2. No Significant New Features: Unlike previous updates, WatchOS 10.3 doesn’t introduce groundbreaking features. Instead, Apple fortifies the existing infrastructure, ensuring that the Series 4 and later devices operate seamlessly and efficiently.

3. Critical for Series 4 and Later Operation: This update is tailored for Apple Watch Series 4 and later, underscoring its importance in maintaining the long-term functionality of these advanced wearable devices. It ensures that new features introduced in previous versions continue to perform optimally and contribute to a seamless user experience.

Key Features of watchOS 10.3

Images Source – cultofmac.com

4. Preceded by watchOS 10.2 Enhancements: The predecessor, watchOS 10.2, released on December 11, brought substantial improvements, particularly in Siri integration and user interface. It allowed Siri to access health data, offering Series 4 and later users the convenience of querying health statistics through voice commands.

5. Siri Access for Health Data: The watchOS 10.2 update enabled Siri to access health data, allowing Series 4 and later users to effortlessly retrieve information such as heart rate or exercise data through voice commands. This proves especially handy during workouts or situations where hands-free operation is preferred.

6. Reinstatement of Swipe Gesture: In watchOS 10.2, the swipe gesture for changing watch faces was reinstated. This user-friendly feature facilitates quick style changes and access to different functionalities, enhancing the user interface.

7. Build Number Update: The watchOS 10.3 update carries the build number 21S644, replacing the previous watchOS 10.2, which had the build number 21S364.

Also See: Apple Removing Oxygen Monitoring Features

How to Update:

To benefit from these enhancements, Apple Watch Series 4 and later owners can follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the Apple Watch has at least 50% battery life and is placed on its charger throughout the update process.
  2. Update the paired iPhone to the latest version of iOS.
  3. Open the Watch app on the iPhone, navigate to the ‘My Watch’ tab, and then to ‘General’ > ‘Software Update.’
  4. Tap ‘Download and Install’ for watchOS 10.3 and enter the iPhone or Apple Watch passcode if prompted.


With the release of watchOS updates, Apple continues its commitment to providing Series 4 and later users with a reliable and seamless wearable experience. While this update may not introduce flashy new features, its emphasis on stability and performance improvements ensures that Apple Watch Series 4 and later users can enjoy the full potential of their advanced wearable devices. As the wearable landscape evolves, these incremental updates play a vital role in sustaining the efficiency and functionality of Apple’s innovative wearable technology.

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