HomeAIAI, Green Tech, and More: Tech Budget 2024 of New India

AI, Green Tech, and More: Tech Budget 2024 of New India

As the nation eagerly awaited the much-anticipated announcement of the 2024 budget today, the technology sector was thrust into the spotlight with a heightened focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Green Technology. Key industry figures from AI, semiconductors, and edtech had previously articulated their lofty expectations, and the unveiled budget brings forth a judicious mix of promises and strategic allocations.

AI Development and Centers of Excellence (CoEs):

NITI Aayog’s forward-looking strategy found resonance in the budget, with a substantial allocation of funds earmarked to establish Centers of Excellence (CoEs). The primary aim is to fortify AI development and foster application-based research, aligning harmoniously with the government’s resolute vision to position India as a global AI and analytics powerhouse.

Challenges in AI Adoption:

In a concerted effort to overcome the persistent challenges in the widespread adoption of AI solutions, the budget meticulously outlines a series of strategic measures and policies. The explicit emphasis on expanding AI into telecommunications and other critical sectors signifies the government’s unwavering commitment to leveraging AI’s transformative potential across various industries.

Ethical AI Regulation Framework:

The budget announcement recognizes the paramount importance of ethical AI development and deployment. A robust “state-control” strategy in AI regulation is advocated, underscoring the imperative for government involvement to ensure ethical use and alignment with national strategic objectives.

Fostering AI Startup Funding:

To address the noticeable slowdown in AI startup funding during the preceding year, the budget emphasizes revitalizing the AI startup landscape. Strategic measures to ease investment procedures and catalyze funding are expected to invigorate the entrepreneurial spirit, drive innovation, and solidify India’s standing in the dynamic global AI arena.

Green Technology Initiatives:

The budget unveiled today marks a significant stride towards sustainability, as evidenced by a dedicated section addressing critical aspects of Green Technology. The government’s resolute commitment towards achieving ‘net zero’ by 2070 is palpable through various concrete measures. These include viability gap funding for offshore wind energy, the establishment of coal gasification and liquefaction capacity, and the mandating compressed biogas blending with natural gas for transport and domestic purposes.

Overall Budget Highlights:

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in her comprehensive budget speech, underscored key pillars of fiscal consolidation, infrastructure development, agriculture, green growth, and railways. The fiscal deficit target for FY25, set at 5.1 percent of the GDP, surpassed expectations, showcasing the government’s unwavering commitment to responsible fiscal policies.

The budget’s meticulous focus on infrastructure, tourism, logistics, and innovation in research resonates with the government’s steadfast dedication to sustainable growth. While no changes were proposed in tax rates, the budget paints a positive outlook for the economy, projecting a vision for unprecedented development in the next five years.

In summary, the 2024 budget unveils a meticulously crafted roadmap, placing technology at the forefront and aligning with an environmentally conscious approach. It underscores the pivotal role of AI and Green Technology in shaping India’s economic future.

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